Giving Back / Paying It Forward

Giving Back / Paying It Forward

The story below about the Redemption Ridge fundraiser is just one example of the culture of caring and servant leadership that defines Dr. Kim and permeates the fabric of the entire Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions team.

Jesus told his disciples “You have received much, now give much.” (Matthew 10: 8).  Also, the Apostle Paul wrote “Each of you must make up your own mind about how much to give. But don’t feel sorry that you must give and don’t feel that you are forced to give. God loves people who love to give.” (II Corinthians 9:7).  

Dr. Kim believes it is a privilege to give back for the many blessing she has received and to pay it forward by serving and encouraging others in every way possible. 


Dr. Tae Yun Kim, founder and CEO of Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions, best-selling author, TV personality, motivational speaker, the world’s highest ranked Ki energy Martial Arts Master, and recipient of countless awards defies any categorization, stereotypes, or anything predictable or typical.

Dr. Tae Yun Kim expresses her Love and
reaches out to Stop Sex Trafficking!

She is a unique person with distinctive characteristics.  “You are one of a kind” is one of her sayings, and with her trademark motto of “HE CAN DO, SHE CAN DO, WHY NOT ME,” over and over again, she challenges the norm and achieves the impossible.

Each year, she doesn’t just celebrate her birthday with a party. She raises awareness and fights for a cause.  Just prior to her most recent birthday, Dr. Kim had just learned about the evils of sex trafficking and how children as young as 8 years old are being abused and sold as sex slaves.

Once they are in the claws of the sex traffickers, their lives come to a screeching halt.  There is no hope, no promise of a better future, no love, no education. Their lives consist of being forced to do sexual acts up to 20 times a night.  There is no medical attention, and if these young victims make a wrong move or are caught trying to escape, they could be killed.

These are children and teens just like your own sons and daughters.  They have names and faces, faces that you might even know yourself. 

In addition to covering 100% of the cost of this event, Dr. Tae Yun Kim matched the total amount of contributions to give support to recovering victims!

If these young victims happen to succeed with escaping, however unlikely that is, life isn’t automatically better.  They are severely traumatized, and depending on how long they had been enslaved, they have a very difficult time integrating back into society.  They desperately need help.  One nonprofit organization that is helping them is Redemption Ridge.

A victim of much abuse herself when she was growing up, Dr. Kim was deeply hurt when she found out that sex trafficking is so prevalent around the world, and a multi-billion-dollar industry at that.  How is this possible?  How is it possible that we, as a civilized, well-educated and advanced society, can tolerate such evil, such horror?  Why do we let Satan take over and tear apart the fabric of our society?  If it is such a large, industry – there must be great demand.  What a horrible tragedy this is! 

At Dr. Kim’s 2016 birthday party, she teamed up with Redemption Ridge and held a fundraiser to raise funds to support the building of a safe house that will serve as a place of refuge, hope and healing for the victims who are rescued from the world of sex trafficking.

The community response was overwhelming, heartwarming and very encouraging.  She collected more prizes for the raffle than ever imagined possible, and raised more than had ever been previously raised for this charity.  

The hearts of all guests were touched to the core, and everyone walked away with the desire and commitment to put an end to this evil.

“Together we can do this” Dr. Kim said, “together we can end this. Let’s ask God to help us defeat this horrible abomination of sex trafficking.”

“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:14

We can do this. We will do this. HE CAN DO, SHE CAN DO, WHY NOT ME!

Please go beyond your comfort zone, reach out and help end this horror of horrors. Join together with friends, neighbors, law enforcement, schools in whatever way you can.

This is how Dr. Kim spent her 70th birthday. Walking her talk. Showing what she’s made out of. Showing through action that her main goal in life is to help others realize their greatest potential and achieve what they were born to be, including to help them get their God given right back, to live their lives in freedom!

Dr. Kim with children
Dr Kim
Dr Kim

The following is a brief listing of a number of the organizations and causes Dr. Kim and the Lighthouse team have supported through the years:

  • Adolescent Residential Center (ARC) Program
  • American Cancer Society, “Relay for Life”
  • Battered Women’s Shelter
  • Boy Scouts of America
  • Christian Children’s Fund
  • City Team Ministries
  • Elderly Retirement Center of Vermont
  • Father John’s Homeless Shelter of San Jose
  • Gospel Rescue Mission
  • Hearts With a Mission
  • Inner City Games/After School All Stars
  • International Orphanages
  • International SOS Children’s Village
  • Make a Wish Foundation
  • Marine Toys for Tots Foundation
  • Professional Women in Business Association
  • Redemption Ridge
  • Safe House for Women & Children
  • San Jose Family Shelter
  • San Jose Rehabilitation and Correctional Center
  • Save the Children
  • Special Olympics
  • Tri-Cities Children’s Group
  • Many more…